

Early in the morning driver guide will follow you at the meeting point, briefing you about the safari, and then start driving toward Ngorongoro Crater. You will get a time to see the big Crater and the largest unbroken caldera in the world, The Ngorongoro crater which is known as hole of God. This protected area stretches from Lake Natron (the breeding ground for East Africa’s flamingos) in the Northeast, to Lake Eyasi in the South, and Lake Manyara to the East). Olduvai Gorge and the Ngorongoro Crater, has been described as one of the great natural wonders of the world. Eight million years ago, the Ngorongoro Crater was an active volcano but its cone collapsed, forming the crater that is 610 meters deep, 20 kilometers in diameter, and covers an area of 250 km2.

The crater is home to many species of wild animals and birds. With the exception of impala and topi due to competition with the wildebeest and the giraffe because there are not much to eat at tree level, almost every species of African plains mammal lives in the crater, including the endangered black rhino, and the densest population of predators in Africa. A strange thing is that the crater elephants are mainly bulls. The birdlife, which includes the flamingo, is mainly seasonal, and is also affected by the ratio of soda to fresh water in Lake Magadi on the crater floor.

You might see interaction of wild animals and local people (Maasai) are permitted to water their cattle at the permanent lake and can be seen leading their animals in and out of the crater. The Maasai reside near many game parks and their dressing is very distinctive. Consequently, they are probably the most well-known African ethnic group in the world. Their culture is intricate and fascinating. The more cattle, the wealthier the warrior and his wealth then enable him to take multiple wives. Herds are large and warriors constantly wander on the mountain and surrounding plains seeking pasture for their animals often camping out. The area is accessible all over the year especially during dry season, after the lunch pick-nick you will drive away from the crater back to Arusha and drop you at the meeting point or point.

Thank you for choosing us to explore the beauty of Ngorongoro Crater, the hole of God. If you have extra time don’t hesitate to contact us we can organize safari to other destinations like Serengeti national park for wildebeest migration, Manyara national park, Tarangire, Kilimanjaro Mountain Trekking and Zanzibar safari.